The Amigos Network

© 2024 The Amigos Network, All Rights Reserved.


Your style, personality and chat-up lines

How is your business dressed?


Branding is about who you are and how you do business.


It’s not just about producing an eye-catching logo and a bit of smart copy, it’s about capturing the essence of what your business stands for and expressing it clearly and consistently across every touch-point that a customer has with your organisation.  That also means helping your staff to understand the importance of your brand.


If you think about how you perceive two different airlines – British Airways and VirginAtlantic. Both do pretty much the same thing, but they differentiate themselves to grow their own piece of the market. We can help you do that.


How can we help?


Our expertise lies in helping businesses cultivate their brands to shape their customers’ perceptions and win market share.

Strategic Services

Want to find out more?

Get Business Ready
Book your free marketing assessment and benchmarking audit for 2025
Infographic - Know Your Market - Fast Facts
Avoiding the Digital Threat
Recent research by Episerver found that 84% of B2B businesses contacted agreed that digital expectations are the top threat to their business.
Focus Group Research Paper
The Changing Buying Environment in the Digital Economy
Managed Marketing vs In-House
Or a hybrid?
Free Audit
Book your free marketing assessment and benchmarking audit
Why we need to shake things up
Read what end user customers said about the IT channel
Market Activation™ – Transforming Business Performance
The great insource vs outsource debate
Business Communities
Responding to the needs of buyers

Get in Touch

You can follow these links to our community sites here MYREDFORT and The Cloud Community, but they’re only half the story.

If you’d like a demonstration of how we drive lead progression and report for sales enablement simply click the 'Schedule Your Meeting' link.

Book a Meeting

Book some time straight into our diary (so much easier all round!). Secure your spot now for a 30-minute power session where all your burning questions find their answers!

Schedule Your Meeting