The Amigos Network

© 2024 The Amigos Network, All Rights Reserved.

Networking in the digital space

building relationships, not quick flings

At our core we have the belief that great business is built on relationships.


We know building a strong relationship takes time, patience and often a little give and take on both sides. 


The IT channel is built on strong relationships and we're all great networkers. The most successful individuals leverage relationships they've built over many years.  There are great examples of networking lunches, dinners and other events that form the staple of highly targeted interactions to fast-track connections.


Using the digital space to building new relationships on a bigger, even global scale, is quite a different challenge.

Here's what we did


We  talked to you, our prospects and clients, to find out what your biggest issues are when building new markets or growing existing sectors.


We also spent time talking to IT Decision Makers in Focus Groups.  We wanted to understand what they think about the approaches made by technology providers and how they could be improved.


The result


After much head-scratching, a few refinements here and there and some outstanding customers who have been on the journey with us, we now have something that offers a win-win to all parties. 


We're sure it's still evolving, but we're proud to offer you a fully functioning, demonstrable, referenceable


Community-led demand creation solution
as a managed service


We hope you like it,
Max, Shelley and Steven

[Guide] When is a lead, a lead

Sales and marketing professionals in the IT channel have historically relied on a series of metrics that offered a reasonable picture of how demand generation activities were performing.

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Focus Group Research Paper

The Amigos Network recently organised a series of end user Focus Group meetings with the aim of better understanding the buying environment in the IT and Security sector.

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Get in Touch

You can follow these links to our community sites here MYREDFORT and The Cloud Community, but they’re only half the story.

If you’d like a demonstration of how we drive lead progression and report for sales enablement simply click the 'Schedule Your Meeting' link.

Book a Meeting

Book some time straight into our diary (so much easier all round!). Secure your spot now for a 30-minute power session where all your burning questions find their answers!

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