The Amigos Network

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Get Business Ready for 2023

Book your free marketing assessment and benchmarking audit for 2023


What's included

Brand Performance Review

Strategic planning for making new and the development of existing markets

Engagement Review

End-to-end implementation, management and delivery of market strategies

Sales Performance Review

Development of new leads and prospects and coordination of sales conversion

Before you plan your next marketing programme, get a taster of our full Business Readiness assessment and bench-marking audit.

Sales and marketing are dynamic and ever-changing...


72% of marketers said that having a good content strategy was a major key to their success in 2018.


79% of top-performing companies have been using marketing automation for three or more years


75% of companies say closing more deals is their top sales priority


63% of consumers who ask for information about your business or products won't make a purchase for at least three months.

Get Business Ready

We'll give you a snapshot insight of how a buyer will view your brand for the first time, experiencing what they experience and learning what they do.

We'll capture and evaluate data and score the results against industry standards that enable us to determine marketing effectiveness and recommend improvements.  On completion, you get a Business Readiness recommendations pack that is yours to keep. 

This initial Business Readiness report is a free service to help sellers improve performance. After that, of course we’d like to help you get the most from your market making, but the choice is yours.

What next amigo? For your free Business Readiness audit, please get in touch and we'll fix a mutually convenient time to .

Here are just some of the areas we review...

The commitment to our customers starts at the very beginning, with an assessment of current Business Readiness - the first impression when new prospects engage. Using industry standard measurement and analytics tools, we score performance and differentiation to give you a benchmark for future planning.

Brand Performance

Strategic planning for making new and the development of existing markets:

  1. Engagement
  2. Differentiation
  3. Benefits
  4. Campaigns

End-to-end implementation, management and delivery of market strategies:

  1. Website
  2. Search
  3. Social Media
  4. Strategy
Sales Performance

Development of new leads and prospects and coordination of sales conversion:

  1. Acquisition
  2. Expansion
  3. Capability

Get in Touch

You can follow these links to our community sites here MYREDFORT and The Cloud Community, but they’re only half the story.

If you’d like a demonstration of how we drive lead progression and report for sales enablement simply click the 'Schedule Your Meeting' link.

Book a Meeting

Book some time straight into our diary (so much easier all round!). Secure your spot now for a 30-minute power session where all your burning questions find their answers!

Schedule Your Meeting