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The Modern B2B Buyer: Masters of Call Dodging

Monday, August 26, 2024

You’ve had your eye on a prospect for weeks. Every time you publish a blog post, they're there, devouring your words like a teenager with a bag of chips.


They've downloaded your eBook, attended your webinar and might even have liked a post or two on LinkedIn.  All signs point to a classic case of a hot lead. So, you pick up the phone, dial their number, and.... Nothing but the echo of your own desperation bouncing back at you.

Welcome to the nightmare that is modern sales, where buyers are more elusive than ever. If you’ve ever found yourself yelling “Why won’t you just pick up the phone?!” into the void, you’re not alone. Let’s take a sardonic stroll through the reasons why these content-consuming spectres continue to ghost your calls.

The Comfort of the Content Cocoon

For today’s buyer, content is like a cozy blanket. They wrap themselves up in it, avoiding the harsh realities of actual human interaction. Content is safe; it’s passive. It’s a one-sided relationship where they can take without giving anything in return. Your content is like a Netflix series they can binge on while avoiding life’s responsibilities—like, you know, having a real conversation.

When you call, you shatter that illusion. Suddenly, they have to engage, make decisions, and—heavens forbid—be sold to. So they avoid it, clinging to their content cocoon where they can continue to consume without consequence.

The Thrill of the Chase

Let’s face it: some buyers are just playing the game. They love the dance, the thrill of the chase. Engaging with your content gives them the rush of being courted without the commitment. It's like swiping on a dating app with no intention of ever meeting up. They're in it for the attention, the ego boost, and the illusion of control.

But when you call? That’s when you’re asking them to define the relationship. And like any commitment-phobe, they’ll run for the hills at the first sign of a serious conversation. Why settle down when they can keep stringing you along with their clicks and downloads?

The Paradox of Choice

In a world where content is more abundant than ever, buyers are overwhelmed by options. Your eBook was cool, but so was the other five they downloaded this week. Your webinar was insightful, but guess what? There are three more lined up on their calendar. They’re swimming in a sea of content, and while you might think your call is the life raft, they see it as just another wave crashing over them.

They’re paralyzed by choice, and instead of picking up the phone to make a decision, they’d rather dive back into the deep end of content consumption, where everything is possible, and nothing is concrete.

The Fear of the Unknown

And let’s not forget the simplest explanation of all: fear. Yes, even in our hyper-connected, always-on world, people are still scared of the unknown. Your phone call represents a step into the unknown, where they might be asked questions they don’t know how to answer, or worse, be put on the spot to make a decision.

Content, on the other hand, is predictable. It’s there when they want it, it asks nothing of them, and it never pushes them out of their comfort zone. It’s the friend who never judges, never expects anything in return. Why risk a real conversation when they can stay safe in the warm embrace of your blog posts?

The Modern Buyer’s Manifesto

So, if you find yourself staring at your phone in frustration, wondering why that “perfect” prospect won’t just pick up, take a step back. Remember that today’s buyer is a complex, elusive creature—one who’s mastered the art of dodging sales calls with the same skill they use to consume content.

The modern buyer wants to feel in control. They want to engage on their terms, when they’re ready, and maybe—just maybe—they’ll return your call when they’re done hiding behind the screen. Until then, keep feeding them that content, keep nurturing that lead, and remember: the game isn’t over until they say “cheerio.”


If you like this, read the next instalment From Ghosting to Greeting: The Alchemy of Getting Buyers to Answer Your Call”


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