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Overcoming Buyer Evasion:

How Sellers can break through barriers

Monday, September 02, 2024

If B2B buyers are the Houdinis of avoiding sales calls, sellers have to become the Sherlock Holmes of sales - clever, persistent, and strategic.

Here we offer some effective tactics to outsmart these common buyer evasion strategies to get that crucial conversation started!

  1. Master the Art of the Perfect Timing

    Timing is everything. If your buyer is notorious for calendar blackouts, try calling at off-peak hours, such as early morning or late afternoon. You might catch them before their day gets fully underway or when they’re winding down. Additionally, use every bit of data analytics to identify when they’re most active online, and time your call to coincide with those moments.

  1. Use the Multichannel Approach

    Don’t just rely on one form of communication. If buyers prefer email, use it to your advantage by creating compelling, personalised messages that spark curiosity. Follow up with a call referencing the email: “I wanted to discuss the idea I mentioned in my email—when do you have five minutes to chat?” A well-coordinated multichannel approach (emails, LinkedIn messages, even direct mail) can make it harder for buyers to dodge you completely.

  1. Leave Irresistible Voicemails

    If your call goes to voicemail, make sure your message stands out. Instead of leaving a generic voicemail, mention something specific about their business, a challenge they’re facing, or a recent interaction with your content. Tease a valuable piece of information or insight you can share on the call. The goal is to make the buyer curious enough to want to call you back.

  1. Enlist Gatekeepers as Allies

    Instead of seeing gatekeepers as obstacles, view them as potential allies. Be courteous, respectful, and professional, and explain how your call can genuinely benefit the buyer. Sometimes, a gatekeeper who understands the value of what you’re offering can become a powerful advocate in getting your call through.

  1. Personalise Your Approach

    Buyers may use the “Who Dis?” manoeuvre when they don’t feel a connection to you. Avoid this by deeply personalising your outreach. Reference specific pain points or goals you know they have. If they’ve engaged with your content, mention it. The more personalised your approach, the harder it is for them to feign ignorance.

  1. Play the Long Game with Persistence and Patience

    If buyers are playing the time zone trick or pushing you into the perpetual pipeline, it’s about playing the long game. Patience and persistence win out and after all, you’ve got to be “in it to win it”. Schedule regular check-ins, but keep them brief and value-driven. Always leave the door open for future engagement without being overly pushy.

  1. Leverage Content as a Conversation Starter

    When buyers are information sponges, use this to your advantage. Instead of just sending more content, offer to walk them through it in a quick call. Frame it as an opportunity to discuss how the insights can be directly applied to their business. This positions you as a consultant rather than a salesperson and can make them more willing to engage.

  1. Simplify Decision-Making

    To counter the “silent partner” tactic, simplify the decision-making process for the buyer. Offer clear, actionable steps they can take without needing extensive internal consultation. You can also ask questions that gently push them to disclose the real decision-makers, allowing you to address them directly.

  1. Stay Top of Mind with Strategic Follow-Ups

    When buyers ghost, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not interested—it often means they’re overwhelmed with other things that are a bigger priority. Keep following up with short, value-packed messages that reinforce how your solution addresses their specific needs. Vary your communication methods (email, social, even a handwritten note) to stay at the top of your mind without becoming a nuisance.

  1. Create a Sense of Urgency

    Sometimes, buyers need a little push to break out of their avoidance tactics. Creating a sense of urgency—whether it’s a limited-time offer, a new product feature, or a competitor’s activity—can motivate them to pick up the phone. Just ensure the urgency is genuine and tied to something that truly benefits them.

    Getting around these buyer evasion tactics requires a mix of strategy, persistence, and empathy. By understanding the motivations behind these behaviours and adapting your approach accordingly, you can break through the barriers and create meaningful, productive conversations with even the most elusive buyers.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to get them on the phone—it’s to engage them in a way that adds value to their decision-making process.

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