Monday, April 08, 2024

In the B2B buying and selling process, it often feels like despite the substantial efforts and considerable investments poured into marketing and sales strategies, satisfaction remains just out of reach.

It begs the question "Is anyone truly getting what they want"? From the initial awareness phase to the post-purchase follow-up, buyers and sellers frequently voice more complaints than commendations.

With all the resources dedicated to refining these processes, why does it seem that no party is delighted, and what can be done to harmonise the discord?  As budgets rise and fall and the digital landscape becomes increasingly crowded, the chorus of grievances grows louder, echoing the challenges of meeting expectations and achieving desired outcomes.

Each stage has its unique challenges and frustrations. Here we look to identify common complaints from all sides.

Bridging the Gaps

Addressing these issues requires a collaborative effort between marketing, sales and customer success teams to ensure a cohesive and customer-centric journey. Implementing feedback loops, refining lead qualification processes, and ensuring ongoing support and education can mitigate these common complaints.

Moreover, fostering a culture of transparency, personalised engagement, and value-driven interactions can align teams’ efforts with buyer expectations, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

To learn more about how Market Activation contributes to a seamless sales and marketing growth strategy, get in touch.

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>Market Activation™ Solution Brief

Market Activation™ Solution Brief

Some more detail about how we approach demand generation to get outstanding results.

For more information and a live demonstration of lead progression and pipeline visibility, please book some time with us to show you.


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