The Amigos Network

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Date: ON-DEMAND WEBINAR, recorded on Tuesday, Mar 16, 2021
Duration: (45 minutes)
Audience: Business owners, Leaders in Sales or Marketing

While 2020 will be remembered for the effects of Covid-19, it's the changes resulting from it that’ll impact us for years to come. We’ve been catapulted into the digital future, which has irreversibly changed how we live and work.  


Whether businesses survive, adapt or grow very much depends on what they do next. 


Our webinar focuses on what this all means and offers practical insights on how to create and harness effective change.


  • An even sharper focus on the numbers. Whether that’s revenue, budgets, or staff costs, businesses are looking to do more with less. This means traditional sales and marketing rules and practices need a shake-up.  Depending on where you sit in the Channel, what does this mean for you?

  • Driven by data. We’re more immersed than ever in the digital economy, where data is more valuable than oil and virtual is a new reality.  How does this affect the way you approach prospecting?

  • Automation technology beyond process engineering. It’s not enough to simply deploy martech and expect it to transform sales and marketing results.  How are you using it for Business Model Transformation; engaging with markets, driving demand and delivering greater value.

  • Alternative overload. In the absence of physical events and with hybrid working impacting on the effectiveness of telemarketing, businesses have upped the ante on content production and virtual events.  Arguably great news for mixologists and copywriters, but are you being left with a sales hangover?

  • Social change and your Brand. Social change is making us more accountable for what we do and our contribution to society, bringing brands into sharper focus. What does your brand, in all it’s guises, say about you?

What you will learn

The first in our series of webinars looks at how you could re-imagine how you work and how to turn the numbers game into real, sustainable value


  • Getting the most out of your marketing investment – The Number vs The Value. 
  • MDF – From diminishing returns to ROI – how to untap the full potential
  • MarTech – 100% capability vs 20% reality – how to make the most of your MarTech
  • Data – beyond cold calling
  • Brand – practical steps you can take now

Watch the On-Demand Webinar

Change your perspective on demand generation in 45 mins

Duration: 45 minutes

Audience: Business owners, Leaders in Sales or Marketing


Max Sherwood
Max Sherwood

Founding Director, The Amigos Network

With a background in the hard world of retail advertising, Max always believed that the IT sector, like many other B2B sectors, is walking blindfold towards a precipice. He fears Covid-19 has fast-tracked it to the edge and the majority of the channel hasn’t kept pace.

Steven Grosvenor

Chief Technical Officer, The Amigos Network

Steven has worked extensively in the IT Channel as well as agency-side where he has engineered, developed and deployed MarTech solutions for businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

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