The Amigos Network

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Market Activation

Different and Effective Demand Generation as a Managed Service

The cost of doing business is something we all need to keep in review and never more so than during these challenging times.

Managed Services is a term that’s familiar to the entire IT & Security channel, many of whom make a living from the benefits it delivers to their customers.

This begs the question “why not for sales, marketing and demand generation?”

Traditional ways

Even with an in-house team, many businesses already buy in or outsource key resource and skills such as creative, copywriting, telesales, digital marketing.This doesn’t save money, adds complexity and the business lacks the end to end visibility of the entire process.

More importantly, there’s no accountability for outcomes. Without an evidential point of failure, what ends up happening is there’s an overall feeling that the process hasn’t quite delivered the results that were expected. Conclusions are then drawn that it’s “marketing’s fault” or “telemarketing’s fault” or there’s “a lack of brand presence” which are entirely subjective assumptions and not based on any quantifiable fact.

This is because any systems that may be in place can’t measure the whole process to be able to make that informed calculation.

The path that leads to diminishing returns

Every time a piece of an end users’ journey becomes disconnected from centralised systems, processes and communications, bad things happen.

  • Valuable insights and data analytics which offer the opportunity to leverage more revenue from individual buyer scenarios are lost
  • Buyers feel they are being shoehorned into a sellers’ quarterly sales cycle with many citing they feel “dropped” if they don’t happen to fit into a brand’s engagement cycle.
  • Stop-start campaigning loses momentum
  • MDF funding can lose as much as 30% in value as it goes through the sales chain

Investment in Marketing Technology (Mar-tech)

Businesses that can afford them have invested in sophisticated automation platforms with huge license fees. These systems offer the ability to dissect data based on buyer behaviour, create campaigns accordingly and integrate with CRMs.

Investment is wasted when only a fraction of system functionality is used. This is because businesses lack the extreme programming skills and data analytics knowledge needed to gain full advantage of the changing dynamics in buyer behaviour.

Many others are priced out of the game because it’s all simply too expensive to license, resource and fill with enough content to make it viable.

Additionally, there’s little point in any of this if activities such as telemarketing are done off the back of a separate email platform as a silo activity – or worse – cold calling from a cold list.

Selling stuff isn’t that simple anymore

End user customers expect to self-serve through research and comparisons before they want to engage.

We hear all the time “yes, but we already have marketing/telemarketing/creative/copywriting/website/digital marketing” [delete as appropriate]

The cost of DIY


Typically businesses allocate between 5-10% of turnover, depending on their sales goals. 


The cost is made up from:

  1. Marketing and Inside Sales resource – either overheads or contracted
  2. The budget allocated to content and asset production
  3. Budget for distribution of content and paid for social/advertising
  4. Data purchase, syndication of content
  5. Marketing technology licenses


Every business will know what this figure is - keep that in mind when working out whether a managed service would work for you.


Then the question is about the cost TO the business when the right level of resource, skills, training, systems aren't deployed to meet the ambitious goals of the business.


Market Activation™ – a NEW, all-inclusive, Managed Service for demand generation

So let’s consider Market Activation™, a collective name for everything a business needs for revenue creation and growth.

As a managed service Market Activation™ provides all the skills you need to build a sustainable market, is seamless in terms of responsibilities and outcomes, includes all the martech necessary to drive positive results and is accountable for performance at every stage.



Market Activation


How much does it cost?


Typically the service offers a saving of between 25-35% on the business’ own deployments and comes with guaranteed SLA’s and results which are agreed at the outset. 


If a business operates in multiple regions, it’s highly scalable and drives the cost down even further.



Cost modelling


We can demonstrate huge economies of scale wherever you sit in the channel and have a range of pricing models. Some of them can even become cost-neutral. It’s best to and we can discuss your individual requirements with you.


Something for everyone


Vendors Direct sales 25-35% saving on DIY
Vendors Channel sales Cost neutral model potential
Vendors Through Distribution Cost neutral model potential
Distributors Vendor and Partner Funding Cost neutral model potential
Partners Direct sales Part-funded via vendor MDF



Results, Results, Results


As you'd expect, we deploy deploy a full range of communications tools as part of the overall mix, yet our approach and service is unique and there are serious cost advantages available to our customers as they take advantage of economies of scale, effectiveness and visibility throughout the entire process.

As your demand generation partner we're accountable for results and offer SLA’s and guarantees as we manage the entire process. 


Otherwise, responsibility and accountability for results are in silo'd areas of responsibility with different suppliers and it’s impossible to judge success and ROI, let alone manage the buyer journey.



On the subject of the buyer …


Ours is more than just another digital marketing offer.  The Amigos Network is all about building communities for brands and building relationships with their buyers until they're ready to purchase and beyond.  That means talking to them in a way that inspires them way before a project is even a twinkle in the eye, getting them to engage with your brand, love what you do and want to know more.




Digital Experience Platform

Learn a little more about how The Amigos Network can take your results to the next level

Benefits of Market Activation™

1. Focus on Core Objectives
To grow your business – especially in a challenging market – you need flexible resource that can be scaled up and down depending on the needs of your business. Your sales and marketing teams may be able to handle extra workload, but will most likely find themselves overwhelmed and unable to scale according to your business’ needs, forcing you to assign tasks elsewhere which will then break your value chain. A truly qualified managed services partner will offer a flexible service model that allows you to determine what level of service you require.

2. Get the Expertise You Need

New technology means new problems — even the most experienced marketing teams will have difficulty keeping up with new releases of Martech software and then know how to apply it through the communications process. This will mean you’re only getting a fraction of the performance out of the systems you could be and this will have an impact on sales order values. Having industry experts with years’ of experience will ensure your campaign work has maximum impact

3. Keep Costs Down

From a cost perspective, one of the clear benefits of managed services is that it lowers costs through economies of scale. Best of all, since you sign a service-level agreement that’s tailored to your organisation’s unique needs, you’ll never have to worry about unexpected service costs. This enables a shift from a Capex model to an Opex expense model.

4. Scale up or Down as Needed

As your business evolves and grows over time your systems and resources can scale up or down to accommodate them into new markets or regions. You’ll never need to worry about availability your plan will take care of it.

5. A Reliable Point of Contact

You’ll get a dedicated team that knows your company and your business solutions inside and out, led by a single Virtual Marketing Manager (VMM). Your VMM will be part of your team and behave as if they are an employed member of staff. Everything you need from them will be included in a single monthly fee and you’ll leave the rest to them.

6. Get Support for Systems & Compliance

Our analysts collect and dissect an exponential amount of data on a daily basis in order to benefit your business — data that’s maintained in secure way and compliant with relevant industry regulations.

Get in Touch

You can follow these links to our community sites here MYREDFORT and The Cloud Community, but they’re only half the story.

If you’d like a demonstration of how we drive lead progression and report for sales enablement simply click the 'Schedule Your Meeting' link.

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