The Amigos Network

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Business UN Usual - An Optimist’s View

Let’s first get this out of the way. We all acknowledge it’s bad out there and it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. We’re also as against opportunistic and tacky marketing approaches that use virus-led messaging to shoehorn products and services in as the next guy. People are dying out there and we all need to respect that.

Facing facts


For IT & Security Sellers, this next quarter is probably blown and most likely the one after that.  Targets are being realigned mostly downward and that’s going to knock-on throughout whole year. 


If you’re lucky enough to be selling something that’s the IT equivalent of Golden Labrador puppies, fantastic, but it’s likely projects are being put on the back burner.  It’s not the time to disengage, but if you don’t have a puppy product, what’s to be done?


Buyers and Sellers – united by challenges in common


Businesses of all types and size are dealing with two things; protecting the here and now to come out the other side in some form of intact, whilst trying to hit something like the annual target that was originally projected.


As Sellers, doing the usual hard push on the quarter isn’t going to cut it.  If anything, you’ll put Buyers off.  In any case, Buyers don’t want/aren’t allowed face to face meetings, they’ve got no events to attend, and skeleton staff mean that most aren’t at their desks for telemarketers to reach them.


It’s not an option to do nothing, because waiting 6+ months to re-ignite the planned events and telemarketing is just time wasted when you could be building relationships in other ways.


One of the most dangerous phrases I ever hear is “we’ve always done it this way”.  It encourages complacency, stifles vision, creativity, and ultimately affects results.  Now is the time to shake ourselves out of doing the same, tired, old things and take some action that will change the way you look at demand generation forever and build a far stronger business for it.


That doesn’t mean change for change sake, more like being on the radar by finding ways to create positive outcomes when Buyers are ready for you. 


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