The Amigos Network

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Business Readiness Clinic

Through their distinct functions sales and marketing have a single goal which is driving business growth. Each has to be measured on, a healthy pipeline of opportunities and closed business.

Even the most seasoned professionals need an independent view from time to time when they can’t see the wood from the trees. This is where our Clinics can help.

In a focused 45-minute session, we can discuss whatever’s important to you. Every business is different, but these are some of the more common areas where we help our clients succeed

  • Number of quality of actionable leads
  • Sales growth through channel partners, existing and recruitment
  • Getting more out of the investment in an events programme
  • Data/targeting
  • Content and digital marketing, quality, relevance and persistent delivery
  • Martech – end-to-end visibility of individual prospect engagement
  • Doing more with less – revenue hikes, budget and resource cuts/freezes
Business Readiness Clinic

The session is complimentary and will provide you with actionable insights and tailored advice for your consideration. There is no obligation to take any onward services from us.

Schedule your session now and take the first step towards achieving remarkable results with clarity and confidence.

  •  Up to 45-minute initial consultation with a specialist, comprising:
  •  Review of your overall issues
  •  Information gathering around specifics
  •  Ask any other questions relating to your environment

Find out what each Business Audit covers

We want to know how we can help you! This short call gives you time to let us know about your requirements and any questions you may have.

Market Activation™ – Transforming Business Performance

Get Business Ready

We'll give you a snapshot insight of how a buyer will view your brand for the first time, experiencing what they experience and learning what they do.

We'll capture and evaluate data and score the results against industry standards that enable us to determine marketing effectiveness and recommend improvements.  On completion, you get a Business Readiness recommendations pack that is yours to keep. 

This initial Business Readiness report is a free service to help sellers improve performance. After that, of course we’d like to help you get the most from your market making, but the choice is yours.

What next amigo? For your free Business Readiness audit, please get in touch and we'll fix a mutually convenient time to .

Get in Touch

You can follow these links to our community sites here MYREDFORT and The Cloud Community, but they’re only half the story.

If you’d like a demonstration of how we drive lead progression and report for sales enablement simply click the 'Schedule Your Meeting' link.

Book a Meeting

Book some time straight into our diary (so much easier all round!). Secure your spot now for a 30-minute power session where all your burning questions find their answers!

Schedule Your Meeting